
Better Hearing is Just More Fun!

Smokers Beware! You May Be Damaging More Than Your Lungs..

by Kyle - March 1st, 2011.
Filed under: Hearing Loss.

Passive smoking affects both former smokers and people who have never smoked.

People who are exposed to the second-hand smoke from others’ cigarettes are at increased risk of hearing loss. This is shown in a study involving more than 3,000 US adults published in the journal Tobacco Control.

Experts believe tobacco smoke may disrupt blood flow in the small vessels of the ear. This could starve the organ of oxygen and lead to a build-up of toxic waste, causing damage.

Former smokers

In the study, more than 46% of former smokers who had been exposed to second-hand smoke had high-frequency hearing loss. 14% of former smokers who had been exposed to tobacco smoke by others were more likely to have impaired hearing in low- to mid-frequencies.

Non smokers

Researchers say, that although the risk of hearing loss was not as strong among people who had never smoked, nearly one-in-10 people in that group, or 8.6%, had low- to mid-frequency hearing loss, and 26% had high-frequency hearing loss.

The researchers from the University of Miami and Florida International University looked at the hearing test results of 3,307 non-smoking volunteers aged 20-69 – some who were ex-smokers and some who had never smoked in their lifetime. The tests measured range of hearing over low-, mid- and high-noise frequencies.

Read The Full Story @ Medical Hear-It

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